Thursday, August 25, 2011

The First Week of the Fall Semester

School started this week.  The beginning of the semester is a mixed bag; a joyous occasion as I look forward to the fresh start it brings along with the opportunity to improve my academic skills and habits.  On the other hand the new semester reminds me that I have been doing this for three years now.  Working full-time, while going to school part-time is an arduous and time consuming task, a task that I love, but one that is not easy to love.

I am fortunate that I am a single woman who does not have a family or home to care for but really I am most fortunate that I am surrounded by a number of women who currently walk a similar path as me; we are women who are working to better our lives while working to pay our bills.  As of late, I have wanted to create a place on-line for all of us to come together, to commiserate, compare notes, share resources, and possibly learn something from each other that will make our own path easier.

So, this brings me here, to share my thoughts with you, hoping that you will share with me as well.

I would love for you to introduce yourself, leave a comment here saying hi, tell us what you are taking this semester, and if you are so inclined please share what you are majoring in and what school you are attending.

Happy Studying,
The Academic Diva
a/k/a Lambda Lady L.

P.S.  I am taking Humanities this semester and about 12 credit hours away from obtaining my Associate’s Degree, allowing me to transfer out of my current school into a Bachelor’s Degree program.


  1. Even though we are in completely different circumstances at the moment, I look forward to reading your blog and hearing about your academic adventures. I loved university and contemplate going back to get my Masters...but I'm not sure what I want to study. I'm also interested in numerous college programs - perhaps when my kids are a little bigger I'll delve back into a 2nd post-secondary career.

    Welcome to blogging!

  2. Hey chickie! So glad to hear that things are good with you even though with the return to school a bit hectic. I can't wait to see what else comes up on your blog - got you in my faves list. As for me, we are gearing up for holiday festivities - Halloween is just around the corner! Can't wait to share with you the stuff we have accumulated over the past few months and the stuff I've made.


  3. Thank you girls for the note love!

    Lisa, I think you would be a fabulous adult student. Though I grumble, I really do love it.

    Andrea, I can't wait to see the Halloween goodies!
